You are so much more than the stress you feel or the stories you tell yourself, so much more than the conditioning and belief systems you were raised within, keeping you small or disconnected from who you truly are. You are in fact wild, connected, co-creative and have so much medicine to share with this world. Your body knows, it remembers, and carries the roadmap home to your most Essential Nature. Held within your essence is a regenerative knowing and deep remembering for why you are here. In this intimate and transformative personal healing program we cultivate the space, resources, tools, and practices to ground you back into your body, trust its wisdom and grow from a more rooted and aligned place.


Let's re-member what it is like to be connected to our bodies, to the Earth and to the wisdom that flows through all.

A belief I carry and live by is that our bodies know.  In fact my whole healing practice is built upon supporting my clients in getting back into their bodies, learning to listen, trust and honor it's knowing. This bodily knowing is innate, something each and every living beings possesses. The same way the Earth heals and grows is encoded in our beings. Our true nature is regenerative; our body the soil, our attuenment the sunlight, our expansion and contraction are cycles to support our inner alchemy, remembering how to compost the old so that the new can grow nourished by the lessons of what was, all of this allows us to root deep down and grow from a place that is resourced, connected and guided by our inner compass.  

Its also my belief (and direct lived experience) that if we are in our bodies, listening and honoring our innate essential nature that we begin to grow in ways that embody the gifts, creativity, and medicine we hold for this world. When we are embodied in our Essential Nature we are sharing from a place of deep inner trust, we make better choices and decisions when we are not looking through the lens of our wounding but through the lens of self love and compassion.

What is needed for growth you already hold inside you. Join me in this ecological, somatic based healing container we will learn to:

  • become the compassionate stewards of our own inner landscape
  • work from the roots up to repair our nervous system 
  • alchemize our feelings and learn to listen to them as wise messengers 
  • compost the subconscious, old beliefs and stories into the nourishment needed for the new stories to take bloom. 
  • cultivate the safety needed to grow from a place rooted in self love and trust 
  • honor our cyclical, seasonal and regenerative nature
  • practice embodied herbalism and learn how to be the healer of our home
  • build a medicine chest of tools, resources, and practices 
  • ground ourselves back into the Earth, her guidance, and wisdom
  • tap into this season of growth and build our lives from rooted in our essential nature 


join Kristen for a live call to discuss the nature of this self healing program. March 12th 10-11am PST

Thank You

"A seed neither fears light nor darkness, but uses both to grow."

- Matshona Dhliwayo


self-healing . herbalism . embodiment . regenerative wisdom

Essential Nature is a program built for those who are ready to breathe wild transformation into their lives.  Years in the making EN weaves somatics, herbalism, and eco psychology into a self-healing embodiment program. This self-healing system is rooted in the ecological understanding of our own regenerative nature. Meaning your body already knows how to do this and as we begin to move and heal at the pace of your nature these practices become life long habits.  My deepest intention for this program is that each and every one of you leave here tooled up with an embodied understanding of how to work with your emotions, how to listen to your body, how to use herbs to heal, how to welcome each and every part of you home and how to nurture the seeds of your own becoming with self love. 


-Weekly 2hr LIVE Sessions encompassing time allocated for lesson, practices, shares and discussion, all focused around developing practical tools in the modalities of somatic healing, herbalism and eco psychology 

- A Regenerative Healing Library of recorded somatic practices, audio, herbal recipes and practices to support your healing journey

- An Online Community  is the soft space to ask questions, bring inspiration, and share anything at all as it come up on the journey. Kristen will check in here daily, drop journal prompts, upload somatic practices and share insights into the lessons we will be learning together.  

- Herbal Medicine Guide for Regenerative Healing featuring written herbal monographs (deep dives into individual herbs and how to work with them), medicine making tutorials, ritual herbal practices, herbal formulation guidance for making your own blends and recipes as inspiration, as well as guidance on sustainable sourcing

- Essential Nature Herbal Medicine Kit (Optional and an additional purchase) specifically designed to accompany this course curriculum and provide you with a hands-on experience of the herbs for sensorial exploration, relationship-building, formulation practice and therapeutics. If you would prefer to source your own herbs, a supplies list will be provided


- Monday, March 3: Registration opens

- Friday, March 21: Registration closes

We meet live online each Friday for 10 weeks from 10am-12 pm PST

  • WEEK 1: March 21 - 10am-12 pm PST
  • WEEK 2: March 28 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 3: April 4 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 4: April 11 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 5: April 18 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 6: April 25 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 7: May 2 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 8: May 9 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 9: May 16 - 10am-12pm PST
  • WEEK 10: May 23- 10am-12pm PST


I am a trauma trained, somatic practitioner and herbalist with a background in eco psychology. I weave these modalities together into a holistic Earth-centered healing practice. Guiding me is a deep belief that our bodies are not separate from the natural world and that as we heal, we step once again into the Earth's most ancient of codes: reciprocity. I believe that we all have medicine to share. That our bodies are channels, co-creating with the Earth, Spirit and our ecosystems. One of my greatest passions is education and working with groups to foster a sense of belonging and usher in collective healing. I am so grateful that you have listened to the call from within and have found your way here. I would love to have you join me for this season of wild growth as we transform the old in to the compost that nourishes the new.


As we gather together in our virtual group container, each 120-minute session will be an exploration on the themes of regenerative healing, herbal medicine and somatic practices.


In this first module we will begin by grounding ourselves within the container, within our body, and within our essential nature. I will give an overview of our time together and how to get the most out of this self-healing program. Our teachings begin with the power of attunement as we cultivate an embodied relationship with our inner compassionate witness, or as I like to call it the sunlight of our awareness. I will share an ecological lens on the various nervous systems states, the biology of trauma, and the alchemical nature of the regenerative embodiment practices that are the foundation of this program. 

topics covered:

  • grounding into our bodies and into the Earth 
  • seasonal energetics, cycles, and how the Earth heals through regenerative wisdom
  • what is our Essential Nature?
  • working with attunement as medicine
  • cultivating our inner sunlight
  • the biology of trauma and the nervous system


We cannot heal from a state of depletion nor can we grow from a belief that we need to fix or change something about ourselves. In this module we widen our frame and welcome in the medicine of allyship. Just as in nature, our bodies depend on the diversity of the ecosystem around us for wellbeing. The sunlight, the rain, the plants, the mushrooms, the soil are all mutually supported by the interwoven regenerative nature. Over these weeks together we will learn how to nourish ourselves deeply with herbal medicine, somatic embodiment practices that cultivate safety, build nervous system capacity to be with all parts of ourselves, and begin to co-create a healthy foundation from which to grow all with the support of our wider ecology. 

* Week 3 we will have a guest teacher Sarah Dolan, co-founder of Moon Canyon, herbalist and medicine maker. She will guide us on herbal allies and practices to support our nervous system, lymphatic system, and healing journey. Not to be missed! We will cover nourishing herbal infusions and how to use and make herbal body oils. 

topics covered:

  • herbal allies and practices for trauma and nervous system repair
  • embodied herbalism: how to formulate for the needs of your body
  • building self trust through our ventral nervous system state
  • joy, beauty and pleasure as a compass home to essential nature  
  • opening up your receptive channel and intuition 
  • resourcing vs outsourcing


Now that we have built a firm foundation for ourselves rooted in nourishment, safety and resource we can begin to descend deeper into the soil of our bodies. Soil, just like our body, is an entangled ecosystem alchemical in its nature. It is the liminal space that nurtures and decays. Nothing is ever wasted, instead it is composted, made into the fertile ground for new life to grow.  And so it is in our own lives. In this module we take a closer look at our soil, what it holds, how it alchemizes the stories within our internal landscape. We begin to identify the felt sensations of our postures of protection, limiting beliefs, trauma and unconscious patterning held inside our bodies. 

topics covered:

  • the language of your body is sensation and we are learning to listen
  • how to identify defense mechanisms, limiting beliefs, and conditioning vs essential nature  
  • creating a frame for working with our inner child and various parts of our internal ecosystem. 
  • somatically composting unfelt feelings and sensations making space for more of you
  • hijack - working with our triggers 
  • building the capacity to be with the not so pleasurable sensations without fear or judgment


As we descend into the fertile darkness of our internal landscape we begin to see what is truly operating from under the surface. This module is dedicated to the work of composting. In this ecological somatic practice we begin to work with the textured sensations and charge held in the body, feeling what has gone unfelt, seeing what has gone unseen, and bringing the attunement of our sunlight to the dark corners of our subconscious. You will be guided to explore the way your body holds grief, sadness, anger, fear, joy, pleasure, and knowing. This is why we do all the safety building, the resourcing, the grounding practices. So when we are here, in the shadows and subconscious terrain, we have a root in the felt sense of self and can find our way home again. Weaving between conscious and subconscious we begin to integrate the lessons held within our bodies wisdom. 

topics covered:

  • somatic compost practice- getting to know your grief, anger, sadness, joy and pleasure
  • continued attunement with our inner parts
  • emotions as energy in motion
  • feelings as messengers 
  • somatic tracking in the body 


In our final module of our regenerative healing journey it's time to begin to harvest the seeds, lessons, wisdom, magic and medicine that is your essential nature. We now have all the conditions needed for growth and know how to tend to our inner garden: sunlight, allyship, cultivated soil, compost, and seeds. We explore how medicine moves through you, what gifts and purpose is your inner garden holding? These weeks are filled with the precious support of our group, live coaching from Kristen, and tending to the seeds of our own becoming. 

topics covered:

  • building self trust for our intuition
  • co-creating with spirit
  • walking in the aliveness of your medicine and gifts
  • reciprocity
  • how to harvest the lessons of your embodied knowing
  • ways to cultivate aligned action in self growth


registration opens March 1st - we begin on March 21


  • Who is this course for?

    If you’ve ever felt a yearning to belong, a suspicion that the way most of us live in modern culture is missing something essential to wellbeing, felt your body was a mystery to you or even something to be feared, have felt that you just know things sometimes, really know things in your bones, but haven’t felt validated in that feeling, or have heard the plants talking to you… literally or metaphorically… this course is for you. If you want to feel more at home in your body and want to heal into healthier relationship with yourself, this course is for you. If you’re curious about somatic healing and want to have a repertoire of practices in your toolkit that you can turn to, to support the spiral path of healing, this course is for you. And if the idea of working with the plants as medicine speaks to an ancestral yearning to be tapped into the healing capacity of the Earth, this course is also for you. If you’re still wondering, or have questions, reach out to us via email. [email protected]

  • How is it structured?

    We’ll gather virtually, on Zoom, for weekly live group work sessions, lasting 120 minutes. Typically we will start with checkins, then head into lecture, and wrap up with a somatic practice. We will also hang our after for those who may have questions.

  • Why did you choose herbal medicine as a component for this course?

    Herbalism offers us direct connection to the Earth. We are living in a world that is both covertly and actively keeping us disconnected from our own bodies and the body of the Earth. We’ve lost our instinctive nature to know the language of our bodies and to hear the plants telling us their medicine. Working with plants as medicine can mend the wounds of separation that keep us locked out and remind us of our innate healing capacity. We’ve evolved together, humans and plants. There is a reason that they can heal us. Our bodies know them. And they know us, holding within them the ability to heal us on more than just the physiological level. They can mend our hearts, and nourish our spirits, reminding us that we truly belong here. We are always supported. And that the Earth wants us, now more than ever, to heal so that we may offer our own medicine to the plants in return.

  • Why is somatic healing the right modality for this course?

    Embodiment is such a big part of the healing journey. Somatic healing allows us to learn the language of our bodies. As we learn turn towards the sensations and "charges" held in the body, and bring the unconscious to light, a world opens to us, our inner landscape becomes the fertile soil where change can be made.

  • What time will classes be held?

    Classes will be held for 10 consecutive Fridays (March 21- May 23) from 10 am to 12pm Pacific Time.

  • Will there be herbs provided?

    A box of herbs and herbal medicines can be purchased supplementally for deepening your embodied learning experience of the herbalism components of this course - the Essential Nature Herbal Medicine Kit. If you would like to source your own herbs and medicines, a recommended supply list will be provided to all students upon sign up. You can learn more and purchase the Kit in our shop.

  • What if I cannot attend the live sessions?

    That’s ok! We will be recording our sessions, and sharing the recordings within 48 hours of the initial class time. All lessons and practices will be included in the recording. There is a potential that individual shares may be offered by students in the cohort, and we may choose to omit those from the recording, depending on content. We aim to create a container that is safe and trauma-informed, and that may cause the recordings to differ slightly from the live class. Know that you will miss nothing in the way of educational content if you cannot join us live.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You will have access to the recordings for 6 months after the course has concluded.

  • What if I have never done somatic work before?

    That is perfectly fine. You need no experience for the work we intend to do together. And even if you have taken part in individual or group somatic practices, this will be an opportunity to greet that work through our own, Earth-centered approach.

  • I live in the city, is this still a good course for me?

    No matter where you live, you are a nature being. You still reside in an animal body that is inextricably linked to the ebbs and flows of the ever-cycling Earth. All practices and lessons can be done from the safety of your home, wherever that home may be. Some students may choose to spend time outdoors during our lessons, and that is great too! Wherever you feel comfortable is the perfect place to join us from.

  • I want to take the course, but am really busy this Fall. Should I still sign up?

    Definitely. We understand that Spring can be a really busy time for folks. That said, we hope this course will invite you to relate to that busyness with a little more awareness. So even if it is a busy time, if you’ve found yourself here and this work is feeling resonant, we hope you’ll join us. Also, the recordings will be available to you for 6 months after they have taken place. So you can catch up when life is a bit more spacious.

  • Is there homework?

    Yes! In this self healing program a lot of practice happens at home, in the day to day, and in the time spent with self. Following along with the teachings and practices is the best way to make the most of this program.

  • Will I get a certificate for attending?

    No. This is a self-healing program. If you are a practitioner, this program will undoubtedly support you in expanding your toolkit for supporting your clients in whatever type of healing work you offer. But you will not receive a certificate.

  • I’m located outside of the US. Can I still attend?

    You can! And we’d love you to. We will not be able to provide the Essential Nature Herbal Medicine Kit for you, for sustainability reasons, but hope that you may be able to source the herbs you desire, detailed in the supplies list we will provide upon signup, from your own local area.

  • I don’t want to become an herbalist or a somatic practitioner. Is this still a good course for me?

    Absolutely. This is not a healer-training program, though it may be helpful for those currently living in that role. It is a program aimed at supporting your individual healing journey. So regardless of how you spend your days, if you are interested in embodying a deeper felt sense of belonging and want to feel supported by the Earth as you heal into your purpose, join us.


Handcrafted herbal medicines to accompany you upon this healing journey

This specially-curated bundle of herbs and herbal medicines, will accompany you throughout the plant medicine components of the course. The kit contains single herbs, provided to support you in learning the practices of formulation and building sensorial, experiential relationships. Additionally, a flower essence blend and a nervous system restorative oil will be offered to help you tend to your body for the duration of the course and beyond. Our hope is that is kit will both strengthen your embodied experience of working with the plants and help you to begin building your home apothecary.